Bot configuration

A bot represents a player that explores your levels during test runs. To use a bot in your project you need to assign a bot, define input actions and configure the exploration space within your game. The modl:test plugin provides the exploratory algorithm for your bot to use.

Use the ModlBotConfiguration data asset to configure an exploratory bot to interact with your project. This documentation describes the properties in the bot configuration window and how to configure a bot.

An image of the bot configuration window

The bot configuration window

To access the bot configuration window, open the ModlBotConfiguration data asset type. The table below describes the properties in the window and how to use them:

Property Description
Bot Control Configuration Add and define input actions.
Input Actions Select input actions from your project. Input actions enable the AI brain to control your bot.
Behavior Type Choose an algorithm behavior type you want to use in your project. At this time, you can choose the exploratory behavior.
Exploration space Assign an actor as a bot in your game and configure an exploration space for the bot to explore.
Property path Choose the properties that are relevant for the game state. At this time, you can choose the position.
Granularity Define how the platform differentiates between game states. At this time, you can choose the position, which means that granularity defines the distance between game states.
Exploration Game State Define the classes you want to restore within a game state.
Is Player Actor Class Define whether the class you are configuring is the actor class.
Properties Configure any properties you want to track or reset within a game state.
Treat as Read Only Enable this if you want to track this property for reporting but don’t want to reset this property when modl resets the game state.
Tags Add tags to tracked properties. At this time, you can choose to tag the position class.

Configure an exploratory bot

A bot represents a player that explores your levels during test runs. To use a bot in your project you need to assign a bot, define input actions and configure the exploration space within your game. The modl:test plugin provides the exploratory algorithm for your bot to use.

To assign a bot and input actions in your project, use the following steps:

  1. Open the ModlBotConfiguration data asset type.
  2. Open Modl AI.
  3. Open Bot Control.
    1. Use + (Add Element) to add your actions to the Input Actions property. Input actions enable modl to move and track your bot.
  4. Use the Behavior Type dropdown to select the type of algorithm you want to use in your project. At this time, you can select the Exploratory Algorithm.
  5. Open Modl AI.
    1. Use + (Add Element) to add an actor class property to the Exploratory Space.
    2. Use the dropdown to select the actor you’d like to track. The actor you select becomes the modl bot.
    3. Open Features.
    4. Adjust the Granularity to define how the platform differentiates between game states.
    5. Use Property Path to choose the properties that are relevant for the game state.
  6. Open Exploration Game State.
    1. Use + (Add Element) to add anything in your project that you’d like the platform to consider as part of the game state.
    2. In the dropdown, select the bot that you defined in Exploratory Space.
    3. In Tags, enable Is Player Actor Class for the actor class that is the player. You don’t need to enable this for any class that isn’t the player.
  7. Open Properties
    1. Use + (Add Element) to add game state variables.
    2. Enable Treat as Read Only, if you don’t want to reset this property when modl restores the rest of the game state variables.
    3. Use Property Path to choose the properties that are relevant for the game state.
  1. To validate that you’ve configured your bot, go to the Preview dialog and select the Play icon.