Set up the Directed Explorer

The Directed Explorer uses the waypoint system to guide your bot through your level during exploration. It’s best practice to add one or more waypoints actors to a part of your level that you know you want your bot to explore. If you want to include your waypoints in a test run, you need to select the Directed explorer bot type when you set up a new test in the platform.

To further guide your bot, add multiple waypoints with the same index to your level. The bot progresses through different groups of waypoints with the same index. If the bot visits a waypoint in a group (for example: 1), it switches to target any waypoint in the next group.(for example: 2).

To use the waypoint system in your project you need to add the ModlWaypoint actor to your level and track the waypoint index and position in the Exploration Game State. The index value tells the bot which order to visit the waypoints in starting with the lowest index value. You can start your index values from 0.

To add a waypoint to your level, use the following steps:

Go to Window > Place Actor Search for the ModlWaypoint actor Drag and drop the ModlWaypoint actor into your level

To track your waypoint index and position in your bot configuration, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Bot Configuration > Exploration Game State.
  2. In the dropdown, select ModlWaypoint,
  3. In Features, open Properties.
  4. Create 2 array elements.
  5. In the first array element, select RootComponent.RelativeLocation.
  6. Enable Is Waypoint Position.
  7. In the second array element, select WaypointComponent.WaypointIndex.
  8. Enable Is Waypoint Index.

To add an index value, select the ModlWaypoint actor, go to Index and add a value.

: if you place your waypoint in an area that a bot can’t access, the waypoint presents a Badsize sprite. If you receive this warning, you should move your waypoint.