Upload a build

To upload a build, use the following steps:

  1. In the project window, select Builds.
  2. Select Upload New Build.
  3. Drag and drop your zipped build into the Build Files field.
  4. Enter a build name.
  5. If your build is not standalone, you need to select a server. For more information, refer to Add a server.
  6. Enter any default build commands.
    Don't include file extensions in the Default Build Command field.
  7. Select Upload Build.

If you’ve uploaded a build but the platform hasn’t detected all maps, make sure that your map config file is correct. An incorrect entry in the map config can cause the platform to stop processing the remaining maps. To troubleshoot your config file, check for the following errors:

  • Invalid game_config.json file.
  • Typos or misspelling.
  • Incorrect map images or image paths.