Set up

The Unity demo project is designed to help you learn how to use modl:test. You don’t need to set up the project like you would your own project. You only need to configure Unity for use with modl:test and transfer the game and level configuration files.


The prerequisites to set up the Unity demo project depend on how you installed the modl plugin.

If you installed the modl plugin through the Asset Store, use the following steps to import the Unity demo project:

  1. Go to modl’s UnitySample repository.
  2. Select Code > Download Zip
  3. Open the Unity Hub
  4. Select Open > Add project from disk
  5. Choose the UnitySample file

If you used the scoped registry to install the modl plugin, use the following steps to import the Unity demo project:

  1. In Unity, go to Window > Package manager
  2. Select modl AI Engine
  3. Open Samples
  4. Select Import

Note: Unity downloads the Cinemachine and Input System packages as dependencies to the Unity demo project.

Configure the project

You only need to complete project configuration if you install the plugin through the scoped registry and download the project via the Package Manager.

To configure the Unity demo project, complete the following steps:

  1. Move the modl configurations file into your copy of the Unity demo project.
    1. Open your Unity project in the File Explorer (or Finder in macOS).
    2. Open the UnitySamplefolder in the File Explorer.
    3. Copy game_config.json, modl_map_config.jsonand the capturedLevels folder to the root of your Unity project. For more information, refer to /home/runner/work/ "Project Structure". 2.. View the preset bot configuration. Go to modl > Bot configuration.
  2. View the preset level configuration. Go to modl > Level configuration.

If you are using Unity 2019 or below you might need to complete the following extra steps:

  1. Change the color space.
    1. Go to Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Color Space and select Linear.
  2. Set up the render pipeline asset.
    1. Open Edit > Project Settings > Graphics.
    2. Go to the Project window.
    3. Open the URP-Settings folder.
    4. Drag URP-HighFidelity.asset into Graphics > Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings.

Build the project

If you want to build and upload the project, you must include the following scenes in the build settings:

  • LoaderScene (must be at the top of the list)
  • Playground
  • Labyrinth
  • BigWorld