
To learn how to integrate the modl:test Unity package into your project, use the following topics:

Topic Description
Get started Learn how to get started with the Unity package, technical details and how to set up an account if you don't already have one.
Install and enable Learn how to install the Unity package from the Asset Store or scoped registry as well as how to enable the package in your project.
Start modl:test Learn how to start modl:test in your code.
Configure your project Learn how to configure your project so that the modl bots can explore your game.
Configure your code Learn how to configure your code so that the modl bots can explore your game.
Test multiple scenes in one build Learn how to test multiple scenes in a build.
Bot configuration Learn how to select a player to become your bot and configure what you want your bot to report on.
Level Configuration Learn how to configure the levels you want your bot to explore and capture a map image to use in the platform.
Set up the Directed Explorer Learn how to set up the Directed Explorer bot type in your game.
Use modl features Learn how to use modl:test features in your project.
Troubleshooting Get answers to troubleshooting questions.
Get started with the Unity demo project Learn how to set up an exploratory bot in a 3D game.