Set up the plugin

If you have installed modl:test into your Unreal project, use the following steps to set up the data assets:

  1. Open the Content Drawer.
  2. Right click and go to Miscellaneous > Data Assets.
  3. Search for Modl AI Plugin. Unreal lists ModlBotConfiguration, ModlPluginConfiguration and ModlWorldConfiguration.
  4. Create one of each of the modl data assets and rename them to fit your project. The name doesn’t affect the plugin.

Plugin configuration

Use the ModlPluginConfiguration data asset window to configure the modl:test plugin in your project. This documentation describes the properties in the plugin configuration window and how to configure your project.

An image of the Unreal plugin configuration window

The plugin configuration window

The table below describes the properties in the plugin configuration window and how to use them:

Property Description
Bot Configuration Add the bot configuration data asset that you want to use in your project. For more information, refer to Configure an exploratory bot
World Configuration Add the world configuration data asset that you want to use in your project. For more information, refer to Configure your worlds and levels
Communicator Choose between the Modl Dummy Communicator or the Modl Socket Communicator.
Select Modl Dummy Communicator to preview your bot moving randomly through your levels. This is not connected to the platform or the engine.
Select Modl Socket Communicator if you have an modl account and want to upload a build to the platform, receive reports and benefit from the engine.

Configure the plugin

To configure the Unreal plugin you need to complete two steps. You need to tell Unreal that you're using theModlPluginConfiguration data asset. Then, you need to connect the bot and world configuration data assets. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Edit > Project Settings > Plugins > Modl ai.
    1. In the Configuration dropdown, select the ModlPluginConfiguration data asset.
    2. Close the Plugins window.
  2. Go to the Content Drawer and open the ModlPluginConfiguration data asset.
    1. In the Bot Configuration dropdown, select the ModlBotConfigurationdata asset.
    2. In the World Configuration dropdown, select the ModlWorldConfiguration data asset.
    3. In the Communicator dropdown, choose between the Modl Dummy Communicator or the Modl Socket Communicator.
By default, modl automatically starts observations when your game starts in the platform. However, if your game requires time to perform logic before a test run begins, you should configure manual starts for observation loops. For more information, refer to Start an observation loop manually.