Use the platform

The platform enables you to run tests with the AI engine and receive reports about your game. You can use a test run to find out where your bot has been and which custom events it triggered. You can also use the test reports to get insights about CPU and memory usage throughout.

To use the platform, follow these steps:

  1. Make a build.
  2. Upload your build to the platform.
  3. Run tests.
  4. Receive a report.
  5. Make changes to your game.
  6. Repeat.

The table below outlines the topics in this section:

Topic Description
Sign in Learn how to sign in to your account and select an organization to work in.
View or create a project Learn how to view your organization’s existing projects or create your own.
Upload a build Learn how to prepare and upload your build.
Add a server Learn how to add a server.
Run a test Learn how to run a test and view test reports.
Interpret a test report Learn how to view and interpret the different results of a test report.
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