Set up the Directed Explorer

The Directed Explorer uses the waypoint system to guide your bot through your level during exploration.

A waypoint is a point in space and an index in your game that your bot navigates towards. It’s best practice to add one or more waypoints to a part of your level that you know you want your bot to explore. If you want to include your waypoints in a test run, you need to select the Directed Explorer bot type when you set up a new test in the platform. For further infomation, refer to Run a test

To further guide your bot, add multiple waypoints with the same index to your level. The bot progresses through different groups of waypoints with the same index. If the bot visits a waypoint in a group (for example: 1), it switches to target any waypoint in the next group (for example: 2).

To add waypoints to your project, use the following steps:

  1. Go to ai.modl.engine/Runtime/Resources/
  2. Drag the waypoint prefab into your scene and position it.
  3. Go to the waypoint's inspector window.
  4. Go to Index and assign a value.
  5. Go to modl > Bot Configuration > Game State Variables.
  6. Add the waypoint prefab and track it's transform.
To turn off waypoint gizmos in the Editor, use the ModlWaypoint gizmo visibility toggle in the scene view gizmos menu.